
Pawikans: Need Us, Need them

     Last time here on Blog-venture Time, we discussed about sea turtles, or Pawikan. Now, were going to help spread awareness on their biggest threat to survival. And do you know who that is? Humanity. Yes, it's true. We are the number-one cause for their death-tolls. We do this in many ways, such as hunting for their eggs, polluting, etc. However, one of them is Global Warming.

The effect of Global Warming
     Let's define first Global Warming, [let's dub it as GW]. It is when gases, [like Carbon Dioxide], increase the Earth's temperature, hence the name GW. One way that this affects the Earth is when these gases go up and tear down holes in the Ozone layer for ultra-violet rays to come in and heat up the Earth. Now, we found out that GW has been here for quite some time now. But, we humans are just speeding up the process. In fact, we're speeding up the process more than  hundreds of times more! This is why we urge you to try and slow down the process, thus helping Mother Earth.

The turtle's gender is
 affected by the temperature.
     GW drastically effects sea turtles. Euroturtles states that a sea turtle's gender is based on the temperature it's in while it's still in its egg? If global warming were to continue to speed up, almost all turtles would be females, due to higher temperatures influencing their gender to be female. This means that they would have a hard time keeping the population up. Another thing is that if the temperature is too hot, they might have to change their nesting grounds and search for new ones, if there are still ones out there. Also, when the ice-caps melt because of GW, they increase the sea level which means that the tides near the shore will increase and perhaps even be able to drown their eggs.

A wild HAWKSBILL appeared!
     Now, we mentioned earlier that GW is a big cause for the deaths of many organisms, especially Pawikans. Some of you might be wondering, "Why should we help these guys?" Well, you don't hear them asking the same thing to us, do you? That's right. Sea turtles play a very significant role for the environment! Oceana says that Green Sea turtles help by grazing in the seagrass beds, making their nutrient content better. Hawksbills help too by eating Sponges from reefs, ergo, making room for other organisms to colonize and live. Also, the Leatherbacks eating jellyfish keep their population under control and save the lives from other organisms eaten by jellyfish, such as fishes. Another thing is that some turtles carry species such as barnacles with them, thus allowing other animals to go feed on them. You see, you shouldn't underestimate these turtles.

Cleaning the shore
Will make them more
     We, the Blog-venturers, happen to just be students. But, age isn't an X-Factor in making a difference. We participate in costal clean-ups, alarm others of what's happening, [like now], etc.  Maybe you, the reader, can do something as well. Why not? I'm sure that you're fully capable of picking up trash from the beach. Did you know, picking up plastic from the beach can save a turtle's life? Go on now! Share this blog or  make your own, it doesn't matter. What matters is that you spread awareness and do your best in
preserving these guys!

Till next time! Now get off that chair and do something for these guys!


  1. Content - 9/10
    Coherence - 4/5
    Creativity - 5/5
    Voice - 4/5
    Mechanics - 5/5
    Text Layout - 5/5
    Graphics & Multimedia - (5 points)
    Intellectual Honesty - (5 points)

    Total: 42/45

    The post was interesting and well-written. You used very creative pictures and you had neat text formatting. You showed a very keen desire of saving the Pawikans and you also explained clearly. However, we find your text color and font not that creative. All in all, you did a great job! :)

  2. "GW drastically AFFECTS see turtles" (3rd paragraph).
    Here are your scores:

    Content - 10/10
    Coherence - 5/5
    Creativity - 4/5
    Voice - 5/5
    Mechanics - 5/5
    Text Layout - 5/5
    Graphics & Multimedia - 5/5
    Intellectual Honesty - 5/5
    Comments - 7/10
    Peer - 42/45
    Deductions - 4 points (for late peer evaluation)

    TOTAL: 89/100

    Short but very complete with all the ingredients. The way you quoted your references was very impressive indeed. Hats off!

    This post is worth a best entry award if only you commented on time and did well in giving your comments.
